早前Wing出席過來自韓國的品牌VDL的新品發佈會,當天化妝師向大家示範如何利用VDL的化妝品化個美美的妝容~弄得Wing也心思思的,其實Wing已經開始使用VDL的產品了,今次先寫一寫VDL最新出品Cushion Foundation的Review吧~
I have been to the product launch party of the Korean brand, VDL Cosmetics. The makeup artist did a great job on cosmetics demonstration. This drives me crazy on making myself up. But anyway, I will try out the new product, VDL Beauty Metal Cushion Foundation, before wearing other cosmetics on my face.
這個產品的包裝超美的啦,外面用小鐵罐裝著Cushion Foundation~
The packing of the Cushion Foundation is awesome!! The foundation is put inside a box with luxury design.
打開盒後就會發現一張說明書跟Cushion Foundation嚕~
There is a instruction-liked tip together with the cushion foundation inside the packing box.
I have the cushion foundation with natural colour no. 203.
打開後看似跟其他的Cushion Foundation無異~
The cushion foundation is somehow similar to the others which I have used before.
After removing the makeup pad, there is a sticker, which must be torn off before using the foundation.
怎麼跟平日慣用的Cushion Foundation不同的呢?
I have found that the cushion foundation is completely different from those I have used.
Just a comment, this is much better than the cushion foundation I have tried before. I just need to press the metal separator to get the foundation. This is a good design since it is easy to clean up. This also helps keeping the foundation dry and clean without exposing to the air.
Holes on the metal separator can be made up to be star-shaped. Haha, this makes me desperate to use it.
用到面上去,感覺粉樸很柔軟的,而且Cushion Foundation很涼爽的~真期待出來的效果~
The makeup pad is very smooth and soft. I am really looking forward to the result after applying the cushion foundation.
The cushion foundation is very light with high coverage on imperfect skin. My face is polished after applying the foundation.
Wing超愛這個產品,貼薄啞緻的,而且遮瑕度不錯的,加上Foundation本身有防曬的度數達SPF 50+, PA+++,應用於平日外出的妝容上是很不錯的~
I love this product very much. Apart from being polished and covering my imperfect skin after applying the cushion foundation, I can wear it daily due to its sun protection function and moisturizing effect.
Under unstable weather in Hong Kong recently, I can keep my makeup for almost 10 hours with this foundation. Or else, I need only to re-put it on my face after lunch.
Besides, this foundation brings me convenience. For example, I can clean the metal separator easily. Yes, if you know me well, I am going to rate it with high score. This cushion foundation becomes one of my favourite foundation among my cosmetics.
Official FB: https://www.facebook.com/vdl.cosmetics?fref=ts
Official Website: http://www.VDLcosmetics.com
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Contact me: wing_ng4@hotmail.com