




Most of my friends know that I am a slim girl. However, I am not that slim/thin, fats are stored in my body secretly, for example, tights, abdomen, arms. I have tried different ways to burn fats, but, obviously, they are too difficult for me to deal with.


早前Wing就應邀來到位於中環的My PB(My Perfect Body)的Open Day,順道來減減肥~就是修修形啦~

對唷,忘了說的是,這裡的老闆娘是有名的美女模特兒 Pakhomova Tanyua 唷,真人超高超美的~Wing到訪My PB當天,她也在場唷~

I, recently, have been to the open day of My PB (My Perfect Body) which is located in Central. Hahaha, things I needed to do during my visit to the center was to know more about My PB, and, most importantly, undertook treatments!!!!

Another things I needed to say is that: Pakhomova Tanyua, the famous model, is the boss of the center!!! I saw her in the center during my visit!!!! She is charming and beautiful!!!


又是這張Banner,有看過Wing的博文的朋友都知道Wing早前做過LPG的療程~原來My PB這裡也有LPG的療程提供耶~

Most of my readers know that I have undertaken LPG treatment before. Surely, My PB provides LPG treatment to clients.


這裡主要有兩款療程可供客人選擇,分別是LPG跟VelaSmooth Pro™ ~LPG呢,Wing早前已做過了~所以今次就選擇了嘗試一下VelaSmooth Pro™ 嚕~

VelaSmooth Pro™ 糅合了紅外線 (IR) 和射頻 (RF) 所產生的熱能量,透過專利 elōs™ 科技運用熱力、滾輪及真空吸放深入皮下脂肪層產生治療作用,能穿透皮膚的空隙直達脂肪層,促進骨膠原增生,重塑纖幼身形,同時能平滑肌膚。

VelaSmooth Pro™ 非侵入性塑身緊膚儀器通過美國 FDA 及歐盟 CE 認證,安全有效地改善橙皮脂肪、妊娠紋及減少脂肪積聚。結合紅外線和 RF 射頻能量,於肌膚表面產生熱能,感覺猶如為肌膚進行搓揉動作般,即時燃燒及打散皮下頑固脂肪~

There are two different treatments can be selected. They are LPG and VelaSmooth Pro™ respectively. Since I have tried LPG treatment before, I decide to try VelaSmooth Pro™ instead.

VelaSmooth Pro™ has combined both Infra-Red (IR) and Radio-Frequency (RF) to produce heat. Also, the technology has featured the unique elōs™ technology, together with Vacuum and Mechanical Massage to apply corresponding heat energy to adipose tissue. These energies can be combined to achieve the following:

1. Increasing the metabolism of stored energy
2. Increasing lymphatic drainage
3. Reducing or shrinking size of fat cells and fat chambers
4. Smoothing surface of skin

In face, VelaSmooth Pro™ provides non-surgical treatments. Also, the infrared light and radio frequency are approved by FDA. Thus, VelaSmooth Pro™ is regarded as effective method for slimming circumference and reducing cellulite. 



By using mechanical roller, metabolic rate can be highly increased. Also the lymphatic drainage can be fastened. These can help increase the metabolic rate of the client and hence help them clean up toxins inside their bodies.



The therapy room is very comfortable.



There is a bathroom inside the therapy room. Client can use it if they want!!!!




其實,Wing對這家My PB的工作人員印象也蠻好的,是真正的為客人著想的丫,他們也超Nice的~

I have chosen VelaSmooth Pro™ for the treatment. I have mentioned hips to be the area I like to undergo the treatment. As an office lady, I need to sit in the office for over 8 hours. My skin changes due to the lack of movement.

The result is so obviously after the 20-minutes treatment. In fact, my impression towards staff in My PB is very good. They are thinking ways to help their clients. I love their attitude very much!






During the treatment, therapist keeps using thermometer to monitor body temperature so as to ensure the treatment shall be completed in the most efficient way. This also ensure that clients' body will not be hurt by high temperature.




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Wing’s Little World


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    Wing Ng

    Wing's Little World

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