For those who have read my blog before would probably notice that I seldom wear make up. The reason why I am doing this is I believe having good skin is more important so I would rather put my time on protecting my skin rather than wearing makeup. There are thousands of excuses for me not to wear makeup. But the main reason is ‘I am LAZY!!!’
上星期,Wing老早的跑到北角,看過快要來香港開分店的韓國品牌VDL的產品預覽~這裡滿滿的罷放著不同類型的產品 ~對著美美的產品,縱然是多懶惰的女生都會被燃起想要化妝的衝動!!
This brand, VDL, will expand its business and open its branch in TST soon. And I was lucky to attend its cosmetics preview last week.
When I went there, there were lots of cosmetic products right in front of me. They were extremely attractive!!!!I was driven to be crazy (until this now~hahahha )!!!!
There are different categories of products on the table, for example, nail polish. Customers can choose from wide range of colours.
Oh yes, there is a special feature on the lipstick. There is a heart mold on the lipstick. It is fantastic.
And there are also different eye shadows and brushes. All of them look good.
I picked some of those. One of those was a box of eye shadows with purple colour whose colour looks romantic as shown in the photo. I think that is very suitable for dating.
這兩盒是VDL的Limited Edition來的,一盒是春夏感覺強烈的橙紅色系,另一盒則是百搭的大地色系,這個大地色系也是Wing的最愛唷~
These two boxes of eye shadows are limited edition of the brand. These two boxes are very attractive where girls must love them!!!
These are few boxes of single-coloured eye shadows. Once they are put on my eye lid, the colour is extremely shaped even though I did not get enough sleep before.
After applying this Locking Pressed Powder, I have found that it is very natural and feeling soft. As sun-protection is included in the product, users need not apply extra sun-protection product on faces. It is extremely suitable for those who are lazy like me.
VDL does not only provide cosmetics, but also offers skincare products. As I have attached in the above two photos, there are 2 sets of skincare products.
I have tried one of the serum. I love it so much because my skin absorbed the serum immediately!!!
Apart from cosmetics and skincare products, there are also body care and hand treatment products. VDL can really take care of our daily usage in terms of beauty aspect xd
These products are very beautiful. I can't help take a self-portrait with these products.
At the moment, I have taken the photo with this beautiful makeup artist=)
Oh yes, VDL will be located at LCX in Tsim Sha Tsui. This Saturday (1-Mar) will be the opening of the brand. VDL counter will open at 10am. Makeup artist ANA from France will be there and perform makeup demo from 5-7pm. Let's enjoy.
I will be there as well. See you all there=)
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Contact me: wing_ng4@hotmail.com